NoBo Art District presents: A Younger Generation Holiday Exhibit
November 17th – January 15th 2023
Submissions Now OPEN: Please submit your work using this form:
Two Venues:
The NoBo Gallery at the Bus Stop Apartments: 4895 Broadway Boulder, CO 80304
The NoBo Art Center 4929 Broadway #E Boulder, CO 80304
We are calling in small, yet special works for a Younger Generation Artist show at the Gallery at the Bus Stop Apartments. We are tapping into the creativity of the inspired youth in the Boulder area, and are looking to collaborate with Boulder Based Art instructors. We are inviting young, inspired and innovative artists from their student groups to show 1-3 existing artworks of any media. This show is open to all college students, high school and middle school students in Boulder County schools. It’s our hope, at NoBo galleries, that this exhibition experience will provide a learning platform for young artists who are looking for creative experience in preparing your work for hanging, installation, pricing, marketing and interacting with potential patrons.
Artwork Requirements:
Nobo Art District is looking for 2D pieces no larger than 36” x 36” and be “ready to hang”, either framed or prepared in a gallery standard to show (including a hanging wire). NoBo staff is available and eager to assist the students in the preparation of their artwork by request. Sculpture or other 3D/mixed media work is also encouraged but not to exceed 36” x 36 x 36”. (please indicate if a pedestal is needed)
Application Process: Our intention is to include as many artworks as possible.
Exhibiting Details: Commission structure 30% Pricing guidance available upon request
Dates and Deadline:
October 1st: Submission Deadline:
November 12th 11am – 2pm: Art Drop Off
November 13th – 15th: Installation (Students can assist with gallery hanging)
November 17th: Opening Day
Reception: First Friday December 1st 6-9pm *Gallery Hours and Events: TBD
Additional Info:
We ask that each exhibiting artist sign up for 1 or 2 gallery hours (w/ Educators or Mentors) as part of your commitment to the exhibition.
The NoBo Curatorial committee is exhilarated to work with Art instructors and their students to organize other special events, mentoring, or critique opportunities as desired. Additional gallery open hours are available but require 2 volunteering adults per 1 student as desired by students and teachers/staff.
Questions? Erin Calkins, NoBo Gallery Manager